My grandson called me on Saturday. As usual we talked about music. He told me that he had recently played for a well-known person at the Colburn School in Los Angeles.
I asked my grandson if he would briefly sing the opening of the piece he had played at the Colburn School. He sang it, and of course it seemed quite familiar to me.
In fact, it was the Beethoven Sonata Op. 2 number 1.
Beethoven composed this sonata in 1795 and dedicated it to Joseph Haydn. Beethoven was 25 years old at that time.
In the years that followed, Beethoven composed 31 additional piano sonatas that were published. My favorite among these is the Op. 110.
Listen now to the Sonata number 1 in F-Minor, Op. 2, number 1 by Ludwig van Beethoven, as played by Andras Schiff: